Woolf'un İzinde
Ertuğ Uçar
Can Yayınları
"Ertuğ Uçar delves into the past of his own writing adventure in this book. It all begins with a childish interest in lighthouses. What happens next is unexpected, even for the author himself. His real encounter with Virginia Woolf, whom he only knew superficially, occurs on a trip to the southern coast of England to see a red and white lighthouse. After that, the book unfolds step by step. England’s famous fog, Antalya beaches, Woolf’s childhood, Godrevy Lighthouse, the inspiration for To The Lighthouse, and finally the publication of the first book. Taking us between Antalya, Istanbul, Eastbourne and St. Ives, Ertuğ Uçar sets out to answer a difficult question. How did I start writing? You are holding an extraordinary reading 'adventure' in your hands… Good luck."