Invitation to Woolf Arts Archive's #Woolf143 Special Freshwater Performance
Dear Art and Literature Enthusiasts,
Trying to cherish life with the knowledge of death, of light in the darkness and the unpredictable displacement of the tragic and the comic, we invite you to the event we plan for tomorrow.
#Woolf143 will be celebrated in a festive mood with the stage reading of the fresh Turkish translation of Virginia Woolf's only play Freshwater in Ankara, at Ka: Görsel Kültür ve Sanatsal DüÅŸünce için Mekân (Ka: Space for Visual Culture & Artistic Thinking), in the midst of a photography exhibition highlighting darkness and the night workers. This site-specific reading will mark the legacy of Mary Margaret Cameron, the great aunt of Virginia Woolf and the Dimbolo Lodge, the germ of Virginia's Bloomsbury.
We would be delighted to have you with us at Ka Atölye.
Warm regards,
Woolf Arts Archive