Recreating Woolf's Public and Private Spaces
Sevinç Kurt
Architectural Design Workshop
Conducted by Prof. Dr. Sevinç Kurt, who also carried out two similar studies on Sylvia Plath and William Shakespeare, this architectural design workshop explores the use of literary descriptions of space in design education through Virginia Woolf’s texts. By drawing connections between literature, the art of written words, and architecture, the art of physical structures, Kurt's studio emphasizes the mutual inspiration these disciplines provide in shaping and narrating spaces. It also includes a hands-on workshop titled “TEXT SPACE” where eight of Woolf’s works—Night and Day (1919), Jacob’s Room (1922), Mrs. Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927), Orlando (1928), "A Room of One’s Own" (1929), The Waves (1931), and Flush (1933)—forms the basis of Woolf inspired creative exploration.

"The hall of the house was cool as a vault..."