Kendine Ait Bir Oda
Semih Fırıncıoğlu
12 May 1993
Istanbul, Turkey
In 1989, English writer Patrick Garland adapted Virginia Woolf's A Room of One’s Own (1929) into a one-woman play. Directed by Garland and performed by Eileen Atkins, the play was staged in the 1990-91 season. In 1992, producers Çiğdem Selışık and Nedim Saban from Tiyatrokare expressed their intent to stage this play in Turkey and asked Semih Fırıncıoğlu to undertake the translation and direction. However, Garland’s script was found to be too "English" and lacking in theatrical appeal for a Turkish audience. Semih Fırıncıoğlu proposed creating a new adaptation, which they accepted. The structure alternates between narrator and Woolf, aiming to add a three-dimensional depth to the performance.

Director Semih Fırıncıoğlu
Cast Çiğdem Selışık
Producer Nedim Saban (Tiyatrokare)

Photo © Semih Fırıncıoğlu

Photo © Semih Fırıncıoğlu